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Find IT. The Search Engine which can NOT Lie

Find IT Is the opposite of most of SE (Google, Bing, DuckDuckgo ….). While most of them make you waste time searching what you don't want. Hide the way they are ranking platform, giving often a lot of inaccurate result. Or give you the hardest pain to find little Project.

With FINDIT it's YOU who fix the Ranking System

  • No longer Mystery Domain Authority.
  • No longer have to solve The Legendary Enigma about how a specific hub always hit Rank #1 whatever are your search terms, while another never reach the 3 first pages.
  • No longer results with none of your terms in It.

With FINDIT if a result Rank 1 It's because it match your Search, Based on your Setting.

So how does it Work ?

Usually You indicated your terms and then prey a result containing them appear in the middle of the list.

This time it's completly different. Here each hub get a score for each search and It's You who set the scoring system, who indicate how much times your search terms should be counted and how much point they bring to each platform.

From there you simply start the research (and wait a few, being more accurate it take some time) and get an Unbiased list of result solely based on your terms and the scoring system you set.

Then You can order them based on your needs and Finally you get the most accurate list of result you ever saw.

Additionally every members can rate each hub and sort result based on the community rate.

For more details about the whole list of features and how all of this work, check here: ;

No domain Authority, No hidden caveat.

A Completely different approach to find Hubs. A Creation (As Always with Tactikast) in the Field of SE

Best overall everyone can specify unlisted hub directly from their account, we automatically add it, and if the research of someone is close of the new listed hub it can RANK 1 just a minute after being added (Obviously, if it do not contain Illegal Content, we are mandatory by laws to remove illegal Platforms).

So if like us your are done with usual SE, Give a Try to FINDIT, You will love it.

Finally We really want to Be constructive, so feel free to give Your Feedbacks. You can simply Register an Account, test it, give us your opinion and, if you don't like, delete your account, that's it.

Wish you A great Journey in this New World we are opening to you.

Want to build a Club around a specific Topic, Organise a Workgroup to optimise your Productivity, Create a Student community to help each other and Grab the Precious Degree, A smaller group to Synchronize with your Friends, a Game Community and talk with your Members or a Public Community allowing everyone to participate …. All of this and even More, KLUPTEEM The all time Most Featured Community Hub.
Welcome to Your Temple !
The APEXARENA where Collectors meet Tacticians. Competitive and innovative.
Build your Dream Army and climb the Ladder of the Built-in World Championship, through Epic Tactical Confrontations and Unique Battlegrounds. 

Romans, Carthaginians, Greeks, Egyptians, Gallics will all be here (If Kickstarter Campaign Succeed) awaiting you to build Your Path and Bring Your Flag To the Victory. 

Collector, Fan of Strategy/Tactic but not of 1 on 1. No worries you will be able to enjoy 2 on 2, Third Legion, Escape The Hill and up to 10 Battles variants (If the Kickstarter Campaign succeed), where win the battle will not always depend of the enemies elimination. 

But it’s far from over. The Unique battle to which you will participate will imply Battlefield impact, Weather (Yes, and better to anticipate it because it could ruin your plan), The Unique Deployment Phase with 2 different Stages and an amazing “ADAPT-AND-WALK” battleground.

With innovate Battles, Combining Parity, Skills, Surprise, Speed and Rewards. From New Comers to Experts The APEXARENA is really focus to offer to any one, thank to his huge diversity of battles and his built in 2 Levels of competition, an arena which fist perfectly to their level. 

Short Recap about what is awaiting you (If Kickstarter Campaign Succeed):
  • Ambushes. Allowing surprises and twists, Capitalizing on your Tactician’s Skills
  • Unique “ADAPT-AND-WALK“ battleground. Each way are Unique, With unlimited possibilities
  • Weather impact offering Epic Confrontations, with unpredictable Situations
  • Built-in Tournaments And Championship. Anyone can become WORLD CHAMPION
  • The first ever MMO with 2 Levels of Difficulty (Starter and Expert) Guaranteeing anyone a True opportunity to Reach their full potential
  • 3 Different Rhythms of Tournament. Adapting to all your desire
  • 10 Types of Battles if we reach 80K€. From 2 to 8 Participants, any one, at any level have His own Place in the APEXARENA
  • 5 Factions (Romans, Gallics, Egyptians, Greeks, Carthaginians)
  • Museum Level Units Accuracy. In Honour of warriors who made History
  • 4 Kinds of Tournament with True rewards clarity. All the CCG advantages without Drawbacks
  • Realistic battles with Simultaneous Attack. Deepening Realism
  • The All Time most Fair Deployment Phase, with 2 stages AND 2 substages
  • Quick Battles, And Ranked, With 5 Categories. Wherever, Whenever.
  • Your Rank, Your Skill, the Most Fair and Clear Rank’s ladder. Whatever you win or lose, It will only depend of the battle itself
  • Third Mystery kind: The direct path to Your Dreams