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More than 3 Years of Experience, Creating Innovating and helpful Online Hubs and Applications. Open to Anyone who want to flourish himself.
By Us For You
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Best Partners at Best Price
From Light VPS to Professional Dedicated Server. 20 Years of Experience in the Hosting Field. Cutting Edge, Nvme only, Infrastructures. High Grade Professional Support.
Crypto Payments Made Easy. As modern as Virtual Currencies as Sharpen as BlockChain. The very last Advancement in terms of payment; 2,335+ coins. (Completely Free to setup)
The World Leading Mail provider when it comes to Security and Privacy. (With 1 Free Plan/Account By the Way)
Community Driven
At Tactikast we don't only ask your Opinion but we LISTEN IT. So do not hesitate to subscribe to the Maillist because we also organise Poll to be Sure we are on the Right Way. Your Way
Last Announcement Official
Find-It Public Alpha Launch
8th May 24 - 17:52
So Where To Start ? I think most of You will say It, we know at least 1 Person who already said "How these Engines Sort Result ? How can I have such list of same Sites over and over ?"

In Fact it's Technically complicate to list every Platform available AND their content at the same Time. So Most of Company decided to create the "Domain Authority". Reducing to the minimum the number of platforms which could be listed First Page but at the opposite they was able to have their entire content.

With Find-It, It's the Opposite, We list every hubs in the world but only their Home. Without Domain Authority, Everyone can rank first and everyone can discover new projects, new visions …. 

Best of all With FINDIT it's YOU who fix the Ranking System

  • No longer Mystery Domain Authority.
  • No longer have to solve The Legendary Enigma about how a specific hub always hit Rank #1 whatever are your search terms, while another never reach the 3 first pages.
  • No longer results with none of your terms in It.

This Time if a result Rank 1 It's because it match your Search, Based on your Setting. So how does it Work ?

Usually You indicated your terms and then prey a result containing them appear in the middle of the list. This time it's completely different. Here each hub get a score for each search and It's You who set the scoring system, who indicate how much times your search terms should be counted and how much point they bring to each platform. From there you simply start the research (and wait a few, being more accurate it take some time) and get an Unbiased list of result solely based on your terms and the scoring system you set.
Additionally every members can rate each hub and sort result based on the community rate.

For more details about the whole list of features and how all of this work, check the Help Center;

A Completely different approach to find Hubs. A Creation in the Field of SE.

Best overall everyone can specify unlisted hub directly from their account, we automatically add it, and if the research of someone is close of the new listed hub it can RANK 1 just a minute after being added. So if like us your are done with usual SE, Give a Try to FINDIT, You will love it.
Finally We really want to Be constructive, so feel free to give Your Feedbacks. You can simply Register an Account, test it, give us your opinion and, if you don't like, delete your account, that's it.

Wish you A great Journey in this New World we are opening to you.
All Announcements
State-of-the-Art Technologies
Keep everything under Control, Handle any Problems. Beginner (Over) Friendly, High Grade Professional management. Simply the Greatest Cpanel. (With a Free, Open Source, Version).
Unreal Engine By the Epic Team
Gaming can only rhythm with Epic. (Guess what ? Free too, Under 1 Million of Revenue)
French Company Cheese Powered
The French Touch at your Service
Originality and Eccentricity
Our Vision
When Mr Philippe Vincent ("Mr Tactic") Created Its Company He did it With one Main Mission: Bring to the World Helpful Innovations. This Maniac of Creativity spent and still spend Months to summon what doesn't exist and may help You.

When Tactikast Launch a new Hub it's to help everyone to access what they currently can not reach.

Allow You to unleash your full potential through innovative Platforms.

This Era is becoming Obsolete and the Society locked under closed-minded vision. A lot of Company today simply recycle what is inadequate. And reject any Newcomer simply because he is Unknown. Causing Our Civilisation to Decline ….

What Tactikast want to offer is the exact opposite, We Came to Create new Kinds of Online Hubs which will allow everyone to Grow at its rhythm, participate to a Clever Society And have the opportunity to Flourish Themself.

Where You Can Finally Rise more easily and Participate to a Civilized world, Your World

And as long as it's about Creation it's about Tactikast. So take Hovels and Join us because here is only the Beginning of An Amazing Adventure through Stories and History, Through the World and Its Creation.

From the Dawn of the Civilisation to the Pinnacle of the Society

From Your Dreams when you was a Kid to their Achievement When you will be King