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Apex Arena: From Real to UNREAL
17th August 24 - 17:52
So now we have the power. Let's Spoil the Amazing Basic features already present:

  • Amazing Procedurally Generated Battlefield
  • Perfectly Fair Ranking Score System
  • Beautiful Weather
  • Tactical Battles
  • Specific Zones (Forest, Wheat ….)
  • The core of the Tournament System
  • The Most Gorgeous Flora for a Strategy Game

But still 1 Main problem is remaining: FOUND. We need money to forge, from this Great Mock-up, The Apex Arena.

So back to our KickStarter Campaign, that we are completely updating, the First Level to reach Will be 200K€. It would be pointless to ask less. Because it would mean I'm lying to you about what I want to offer. And I won't.

Your Arena need Mass Budget. Because nothing is too Great for You. Because Nothing should slow down the Construction of Your Temple.

So you are all invited to follow our KickStarter Campaign, to join our Discord, to talk to your friends and most importantly to convince your Favourite Streamer to dedicate us a little 1 minute "short".

From your Dreams when you was a kid to their Achievements when you will be King.
Find-It Public Alpha Launch
8th May 24 - 17:52
So Where To Start ? I think most of You will say It, we know at least 1 Person who already said "How these Engines Sort Result ? How can I have such list of same Sites over and over ?"

In Fact it's Technically complicate to list every Platform available AND their content at the same Time. So Most of Company decided to create the "Domain Authority". Reducing to the minimum the number of platforms which could be listed First Page but at the opposite they was able to have their entire content.

With Find-It, It's the Opposite, We list every hubs in the world but only their Home. Without Domain Authority, Everyone can rank first and everyone can discover new projects, new visions …. 

Best of all With FINDIT it's YOU who fix the Ranking System

  • No longer Mystery Domain Authority.
  • No longer have to solve The Legendary Enigma about how a specific hub always hit Rank #1 whatever are your search terms, while another never reach the 3 first pages.
  • No longer results with none of your terms in It.

This Time if a result Rank 1 It's because it match your Search, Based on your Setting. So how does it Work ?

Usually You indicated your terms and then prey a result containing them appear in the middle of the list. This time it's completely different. Here each hub get a score for each search and It's You who set the scoring system, who indicate how much times your search terms should be counted and how much point they bring to each platform. From there you simply start the research (and wait a few, being more accurate it take some time) and get an Unbiased list of result solely based on your terms and the scoring system you set.
Additionally every members can rate each hub and sort result based on the community rate.

For more details about the whole list of features and how all of this work, check the Help Center;

A Completely different approach to find Hubs. A Creation in the Field of SE.

Best overall everyone can specify unlisted hub directly from their account, we automatically add it, and if the research of someone is close of the new listed hub it can RANK 1 just a minute after being added. So if like us your are done with usual SE, Give a Try to FINDIT, You will love it.
Finally We really want to Be constructive, so feel free to give Your Feedbacks. You can simply Register an Account, test it, give us your opinion and, if you don't like, delete your account, that's it.

Wish you A great Journey in this New World we are opening to you.
Tactikast in Holidays from 24 April to 5 May
24th April 24 - 19:08
Hello Everyone and welcome to the New Official Tactikast Hub.

So while anyone can currently Freely enjoy our new unique Search Engine With Find-It.world (With still a lot of limitation considering it's an alpha), share with us precious feedbacks to make sure we go in the right direction and while ApexArena got some new Pictures to show ...

We are Taking a Break during 1 Week from 24 April to 5 May. So no support will be available during this period.

We will be back 6 May 2024 Stronger than ever, to continue to offer You the Best Projects …. The Projects You deserve.
Teasing 'Find-It' the Search Engine which can Not Lie
28th December 23 - 19:47

Before you ask me where is Plan D (Considering no news talk about it), it's pretty simple. It can only be presented in correlation with Plan F or Even Plan G. And Both being currently not Mature enough there is no way for me to Share "D".

So What it's all about, and what the link with ApexArena ? First you have to know that as long as Tactikast is Behind; ApexArena is too. Because We try to gather budget By several means. Moreover each time you spend Money on one of our Platforms you are Helping us to fund the APEXARENA.

Personally I Even tried Pick Pocketing some people, but usually they was taking it badly, so I had to stop. Then I planned to Break into several Banks. But during the last operation We lost 7 Members of the team, so it was at lost. (Obviously no, I would never do such thing, I'm not a Criminal …. How can you believe It ?)

And while Budget I'm seeking, it was clear that during my search, when I was hitting a Search Engine (SE) Most of them was kind to be Extremely messy, I would even dare said, Heavily Inaccurate ....

Domain Authority, Hidden Algorithm, Some platform regularly ranking 1 whatever was the search terms, or some results without any of the Terms …. This make a lot of problems for something not so complex (I guaranty you that the ApexArena's Squads Battles are much more).

So at Tactikast we are surprisingly good Tactician, and Despite the Dozens of Simulations I was running to understand how all the results I was getting was so inaccurate. And while I was spending Days to Solve The Legendary Enigma about how a specific hub achieve to always be so well Ranked while another would never reach page 3. I told me: "You know, you would be better to Create your own, than to try to find the invisible keys to HIT First". So Without hesitation I started to conceive what I wanted to be the most genuine Search Engine we ever got.

  • The One Which can NOT Lie
  • The One Which can Not Tricks
  • The One Mandatory (As long content is Legal) to accuracy
  • Your One

And after Hundreds of Plan It was time To Summon It. So here we go, While currently it's more a Teasing than an Launch, we, To Tactikast, always want Feedbacks from you, So you can simply reach us on our Official Klupteem (You need to login First) or on Discord and we will give you a pass to allow you to test it Yourself. The only thing that we ask back is that you Follow ApexArena on Kickstarter (Or Buy a Subscription on Klupteem).

As always being low budget things goes slowly, so it will take time for this SE to have enough content to propose you what you are searching. But the way it's Searching is Unique. And we can already find a lot of Results on It. More Over you can add yourself New Hubs, which get instantly listed in the SE. And help us to find new Platform Faster.

Tactikast Wish You Great Christmas Holidays
25th December 23 - 00:12
You know it well, Tactikast have a lot of Plan, this one might not be the most original but still the Most Important. So despite we do not have news today We wish to everyone: 

Happy Christmas 2023 and Great New Year 2024